Hygiene Services

Maintaining good oral hygiene is the first step in avoiding serious dental treatment… not to mention bad breath!!

This is our primary focus for all our patients. The vast majority of dental problems can be avoided or minimised by early detection and implementing preventative treatment. Maintenance of dental health is inexpensive… dental neglect results in costly and unpleasant treatment.

Fact: Most tooth loss in adults is as a result of Periodontal Disease.

There is massive research showing that having gum/periodontal disease has a direct link to general health such as increased rates and severity of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and having premature or low birth weight babies.

Not having regular preventative check-ups and cleans is like waiting until you have a red light on your dashboard or smoke coming out of the engine before servicing your car!

Our caring and skilled dental hygienists, perform professional cleans and polishes to remove the calculus and plaque that builds up on your teeth that leads to gum disease and tooth loss. They also give expert advice in oral hygiene methods and techniques. So maximise your chances of keeping your teeth for life, as well as having a beautiful smile, ‘kissable” mouth and fresh breath!

They delight in having families come in together and encourage siblings and parents to pitch in and participate with the education.  They have lots of fun techniques to get rid of any anxiety and to make learning interesting. When kids understand why they need to brush, it helps them take responsibility at home.

Let our friendly Hygienists create a brighter, healthier smile for you.  Ask about whitening at your next appointment. (See Tooth Whitening)