Erosion and Sensitivity

We are seeing an increased amount of sensitivity and erosion of teeth due to far higher levels of acid both from food/drink and gastric reflux.

Everybody seems to be drinking much higher levels of acids in the form of juices, sports drinks, soft drinks, wines and even some herbal teas. A

Soft drinks and juices can be a major problem in kids. We see teeth that have lost more than 50% of their structure in teenagers. It isn’t surprising when you consider that some cola or citrus style soft drinks (including “diet” types) have an acid level not far from car battery acid.

There is also a recent upsurge of interest in the health benefits of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar in water to start the day. This kind of daily practice can potentially be detrimental to you teeth so it’s important to be careful to try to reduce the erosion possible with this practice by trying the following:

  1. Try and drink it all at once – avoid sipping frequently throughout the day (its the frequency that is the killer).
  2. Use a straw to reduce the amount of tooth surface exposure.
  3. Consider following it with a meal, sugar free chewing gum or a small piece of hard cheese, to neutralise the acids.

It is important to remember that it is the “frequency” of exposure, that is the number of times a day the teeth are washed in “acid”, that is the key issue. Sipping at frequent intervals does the most damage.

Even the use of Tooth Mousse or Recaldent chewing gum before and during a session is recommended. (This has been a “teeth saver” for some of our wine taster and pineapple farmer patients.)

pH is a measure of the acidity of substances. The normal pH of saliva is about 7. When the pH goes below 5.5 teeth begin to dissolve.

The pH of some common liquids are:

  • Car battery acid – pH 2
  • Black cola soft drink – pH 2.5
  • Common soft drink – pH 2.7 to 3.5
  • Sports energy drinks – 3 to 4
  • Apple Juice – pH 3.4
  • Orange Juice – pH 3.5
  • Tap water – pH 6.0
  • Milk – pH 6.9

One extra note of caution: DON’T brush your teeth for at least 20 minutes after exposure to juices, softdrinks etc. The enamel is in a softened state and can be “brushed away”more easily (so now you’ve heard it all ….dentists recommending caution about brushing your teeth!!!).

This shows severe tooth erosion in a 10 year old who loved to “swish” his mouth with Cola.

Another problem with sensitivity can be due to incorrect brushing techniques causing “toothbrush abrasion“. Our hygienists are especially trained to provide answers for this problem.

If you are dealing with urgent erosion issues and want a professional opinion, book an appointment with us here at Kawana Dental.